Colston Lodge No. 610


You are at one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the Province of Bristol

About us

Colston Lodge No 610 is one of the oldest Lodges in the Province of Bristol. 

Founded in 1854; it was named after the English merchant and philanthropist, Edward Colston, based on his extensive support and charitable giving to the City of Bristol.

The Lodge has a diverse and active membership of mixed ages who take great pride performing masonic ritual to a high standard, yet offer a relaxed and informal setting at after meetings and social events. 

We meet on the third Wednesday of every month from September through to May – with a three month break in the summer.

There is a great social calendar with members being able to select from a wide range of events throughout the year depending on their personal circumstances. These range from visiting other Lodges within and outside of the Province to our Christmas Carol Service held at the Lord Mayors Chapel in Park Street. Younger members of the Lodge also regularly take to the bright lights of the City after Lodge meetings. (And have been known to regret it the morning after!) 

Partners are encouraged to attend events outside of regular Lodge nights; as their contribution and involvement is essential for the success of our Lodge.

We support a wide range of local charities in the City and, wherever possible, supports the Provincial Grand Masters’ discretionary fund which enables the Province to make targeted donations quickly to deserving causes.

About us

The Colston Lodge was granted a Warrant by the Grand Master, the Earl of Zetland, on February 28th, 1853. Initially lodge No. 868, this was changed to No. 610 in 1863. An off-shoot of Beaufort Lodge, the consecration took place at Freemasons Hall, Bridge Street on June 9th, 1854 and was performed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Davyd William Nash, in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Henry Shute. Presented as the very first Worshipful Master of Colston Lodge, was Bro. Henry Lloyd, and following the ceremony, all retired to the White Lion Hotel in Broad Street, now the Grand Hotel.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisation. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry. The information found here is intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practiced under the United Grand Lodge of England, which administers Lodges of Freemasons in England and Wales and in many places overseas.

Province of Bristol

Under the United Grand Lodge of England, freemasonry is the UK's largest, secular fraternal and charitable organisation.

It has over 300,000 members working in nearly 8,000 lodges throughout England and Wales, and over 30,000 more members overseas.Founded in 1786 and with over 1,200 members, the Province of Bristol is a relatively small province.

However, with its strong history, unique ceremonies and charitable donations, the Province of Bristol holds a unique place in masonry.